Lot's of very useful information to solve your problems as far as dealing with many of the typical problems and some not so typical problems that we run into when working on a computer.

26 Ways To Promote Your Website & Blog - 2

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4. Google

Local business.
Google Local Business Screen image shrunken etc - www.RC123.com

5. YellowPages.com

Has a free Yellow Pages online listing good for a year at a time.

6. Article Directories:

They are a really good method for getting links and traffic to your website. People search for various types of articles and at the end they can go to your website from the link at the end of the article. Here are some of the useful directories used to get traffic. www.GoArticles.com - www.EzineArticles.com - www.eHow.com - www.ValuableContent.com www.EasyArticles.com - www.ArticleDashBoard.com - www.Article99.com

7. Classified Ads

There are many free classified ad listings, and you can reach a lot of people with them. If you list into a solidly similar category that they have, you have a good chance of getting some real increase in hits on your website or blog.

Here are a few: www.craigslist.org - classifieds.myspace.com - classifieds.yahoo.com -

Ebay classifieds www.kijiji.com

8. BookMarking Sites

These can be very fruitful as a method to get traffic to your site again with a simple link to the website or blog after a good story or article.

www.netscape.comdel.icio.us - www.digg.com - www.diigo.com -www.newsvine.com www.stumbleupon.com - www.reddit.com - de.lirio.us - bookmarks.yahoo.com/

9. Social NetWork Sites

These are really good lately and have proven to be useful to me. I have used Facebook quite a bit, but the others are really useful - especially G+.

Here is a nice list of sites. Google + - FaceBook - Twitter - LinkedIn - My Space
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this as it is a really good overview of the subject of promotion for your website or blog. Good luck in the future.
Roger Chartier       Disclaimer - Privacy Policy The Author - Roger Chartier
