Great Flood in Lakeville, Massachusetts - Late March in 2010

Photos taken by Roger Chartier on April 3, 2010

Hui-Ling Chen and I were exploring on a motorcycle and couldn't get through the water deeper than 8 inches or so. She is timid about trying and I figured that the water might come up the tailpipes and we'd stall right there. Easy enough to go around by another road.

ALkeville Flood 2010

 Photo shows 9 inches of water on road in Lakeville - Flood 2010

Another flooded road photo - Lakeville Flood 2010

Lakeville flood road is flooded

A photo of the flood in Lakeville in March in 2010 taken April 3rd

A photo taken in Lakeville, Ma 4-3-2010

 Lakeville flood march 2010 photo taken April 3 2010 near the boat landing

Another Lakeville Flood photo taken nearer the boat landing

Lakeville Flood near landing

Lakeville Flood - near the reservoir

A photo of the Lakeville Flood near the Boatlanding

Lakeville Flood - On Septic Near Boatlanding

Lakeville Flood - Sandbags

The Author - Roger Chartier
