This is an 1896 directory of the French (Franco-American) people in New Bedford, Ma.

Posted by Roger Chartier:

This French directory of residents of New Bedford, Ma. has a great wealth of local business advertisements in it. I believe my great grandfathers are listed there.

This is a good genealogy tool as well as a very entertaining read. The history presented here is priceless.

Some of the buildings are no longer there as new construction has demolished many older ones and highway construction removed whole neighborhoods.

There is also a list for New Bedford Fire Department call box numbers, etc. There is mention of the "reservoir on Mt. Pleasant St. that is long gone. This is a good French history resource.

You can find information about your relatives and those of other French speaking ancestors.
The response to this page is wonderful and apparently is had been very interesting to many Franco-American people.

Click the picture to go to the full PDF file of this 191 page book.
It's very legible if you make the pages larger - It is often slow to load pages but worth the effort

French Directory first pagesFrench Directory 2

The Author - Roger Chartier
