How To Tune Your Guitar

Learning Musical Instruments - Etc.

Using a tuner is definitely a fast way to tune but tou should know how to do it otherwise as well.

by Roger Chartier:

If you don't tune your guitar well, you will sound like crap, and lose friends.
Here is a basic system that most people around the world who play learned first.

These ar the strings and their names:
E ...6th string the lowest sounding
A ...5th string
D... the 4th
G... the 3rd
B... the 2nd
E... the 1st is thinnest, and it is the highest open note.

This is the method first learned as the way to tune without a tuner or another instrument.
There are various other tunings, but this is the regular tuning for most players.

Start with the lowest sounding string  - the 6th string - E
If you have a piano, you can tune this to the E just below middle C.
If you are playing with other musicians you have to be in tune with them or someone could get hurt.
Otherwise start with what you might think is the normal sound of the E string and tune the A string to that in this manner.... Read the list of five things to do below

1 Put the tip of your 3rd finger of your fingerboard hand just behind the fifth fret on the bottom E string.
You're playing an A. Turn the tuner on the 5th string until it matches the sound of the E string at the 5th fret.

2   Put the third fingertip of your fingerboard hand just behind the fifth fret on the A string. That’s a D note.
Tune the 4th string to that D note.

3   Put your third fingertip of your fingerboard hand just behind the fifth fret on 4th string - the D string.
     That will give you  a G note. You know what to do ...tune the 3rd string to that.

4   Put the tip of your third finger of your fingerboard hand just behind the fourth fret on the G string.
That’s a B note.
     Tune your B or second string to that note. Now, as you just noticed, it isn't always the 5th fret.

5    Put the first fingertip of your fingerboard hand just behind the fifth fret on the B string.
      Tune the first string to that  and now you have the high E string in tune.

There are a few things to know. The way that you wrap your stings around the post is very important.
I suggest at least 3 wraps but wrapping the whole string would be ridiculous.

In the old days folks did that in case they broke a string they could tie a knot in one end and restring the guitar. That doesn't work well with metal strings.

Besides, I always say, if a string breaks it's time to change them all. They sound much better when they're new. Also, never tune down and leave it there. Tune up.

It'll stay in tune better. Make sure that you can find a proper gauge set of strings for the type of guitar that you play.

Classical nylon strings have no magnetic properties and can't work on an electric guitar with magnetic pickups.
Heavy gauge strings are harder to play but they will be just a bit more likely to stay in tune.
A lot of people like lighter strings to play blues or to bend notes. No matter what gauge string you use at first your hand will not "know" the strings, as well. Also, your hand will get stronger if you use heavier strings.
I played acoustic 12 string guitar almost exclusively for 10 years of my 50 years as a player. That made my hand stronger.

When I picked up my old Telecaster with 009 - 042 set on it, I almost stretched the string around the neck while bending them. I say screw the hand exercise things that you squeeze for a half an hour a day. Just play guitar and you'll get more out of it.
Now go tune that sucker up and play.... Git........... go on... 

If you have a chance check out this page.  How to transpose chords of a song

The Author - Roger Chartier
